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2005-07-07 20:27:40
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Egyptian Gods

62 Gods and Goddesses and counting

Got questions, comments just let me know and if I can't help, I should be able to at least point ya in the right direction.

by [GriffinDWolf]

Aker (Akeru, Akerui) Aker was an ancient earth-god in Egypt. He was believed to guard the gates of the dawn from which the sun rose each morning. He was portrayed as a double-headed lion, or a two lions sitting back-to-back. In between them is shown the sun with the sky overhead. The two lions were called Sef and Duau, which means "Yesterday" and "Today" is also thought that this god is sometimes portrayed with a human head giving birth to the sphinx

Ammut (Amam, Am-mit) A demi-goddess or demon known as The Devourer.  She takes on the appearance of a combination of the head of a crocodile, the middle of a lioness and the hind quarters of a hippopotamus. When the heart is weighed against the feather of Ma’at. It was Ammut who would devour the souls by eating the heart of those who's hearts proved heavier than Ma’at. It would mean the end of existence to all that had their heart eaten.

Amun (Amen, Amon, Ammon, Amoun) Appears as a man with a ram-head, a ram, or a man wearing an ostrich plume hat. Amun was one of the most powerful gods in ancient Egypt. Once called the “King of Gods’” A large temple at Thebes was built to honor him

Anqut (Anuket, Anukis, Anket) Anqet was the goddess of the island of Sahal, near the First Cataract of the Nile. She was shown as a woman who wears a crown of ostrich feathers. Her sacred animal was the gazelle. She was the daughter of Satet, the wife of Khnemu. Together, the three deities formed the Triad of Elephantine, the principal deities of that city. She was originally a water goddess from Sudan. Her name meant, "to embrace" which was interpreted to mean that her embrace during the annual Nile floods fertilized the fields. Later, she became a goddess of lust.

Anubis (Anupu) A man with a jackal head, or a jackal. He was the god of embalming and the dead. He was believed to watch over the dead and watched over the embalming process and was the god who measured the Ka (soul) against the Ma’at (truth) feather

Apep (Apophis)Apep was a huge serpent (or crocodile) which lived in the waters the celestial Nile. Each day he attempted to disrupt the passage of the solar barque of Re. In some myths, Apep was an earlier and discarded sun-god himself. This helps to explain the snake's strength and his resentment of the daily journey of the sun. In Seth's battle for the throne of Egypt, he claimed that he was stronger than Horus because it was he that stood at the prow of the solar barque and defeated the enemies of Re. Apep was a genuine threat to Re and his daily travels. At times he was successful and when this occurred stormy weather would occur. When Apep swallowed the barque, there was a solar eclipse.

Aten A sun disk with rays reaching to the earth witch end with hands. During the reign of Akhenaten and Nefretti the ways of the old gods were thrown out and there was only one declared god. That of the sol disk Aten. The Aten temples and religion were quickly destroyed when the family came out of reign and were destroyed. It is the first known one god religion.

Atum Man with the double crown. He was known as ‘The All’ or ‘Perfection’. He was belived to be the first god to exist on earth. He was believed to have risen from the waters of chaos (Nun) and created the gods.

Bastet (Bast, Ubasti) Woman with the head of a cat. She was a protective goddess of home and of light. She was some times seen with the head of a lion to protect the pharaoh in battle.

BatBat was shown as a woman with a human face, bovine ears and curly horns which emerged from her temples or full cow. She is a very ancient goddess; the earliest evidence of her dates to the late Pre-Dynastic period. She was a cow-goddess of the sky with the power to see the past and into the future. This ability is referred to in the Pyramid Texts, where she was called "Bat, with her two faces." The deceased pharoah associated himself with Bat in this form. Later, she seemed to be the personification of the sistrum.

Bes (Bisu) Egyptian dwarf god believed to guard against evil spirits and misfortune. Bes was the god of music and dance, the god of war and slaughter, and a destroying force of nature. He was also a protector of children.

Buto (Uatchit, Udjat, Wadjit, Edjo)

Chons (Khons) Khons was the god of the moon. He is said to have played the ancient game senet against Thoth, and wagered a portion of his light. Thoth won, and because of losing some of his light, Khons cannot show his whole glory for the entire month, but must wax and wane. The main temple in the enclosure at Karnak is dedicated to him.

Dua (Duamutef, Tuamutef; Golden Dawn, Thmoomathph) One of the Four Sons of Horus, Duamutef was represented as a mummy having the head of a jackal. He was the protector of the stomach of the deceased, and was protected by the goddess Neith.

Geb (Keb, Seb) Geb was generally depicted lying on his back, often wearing the crown of Lower Egypt, with the naked body of Nut arched above him. His skin was often green, indicative of his role as a god of fertility and vegetation. The goose was his sacred animal and his symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics. Geb was also said to imprison the souls of the dead, preventing them from passing on to the afterlife. The laughter of Geb was said to cause earthquakes.

Hapi (Hapy)

Hapy (Hapi, Ahephi) Hapy is one of the four sons of Horus, he was portrayed as a mummy with the head of a baboon. Hapy's role was to protect the lungs of the deceased and was the guardian of the North. He was protected by the goddess Nephthys.

Hathor (Athyr) She was depicted either as a cow or in human form wearing a crown consisting of a sun disk held between the horns of a cow. Her principal sanctuary was at Dandarah, where her cult had its early focus, and where it may have had its origin. she was also the deity of happiness, dance and music, and a protector of women. It was said that when a child was born, Seven Hathors came to his bedside to announce his fate. The Seven Hathors were believed to know the future and the moment of death for every Egyptian.


Heket (Heqat)

Horus (Hor, Heru, Her) The falcon-headed god, the kings of Egypt associated themselves with Horus. Horus was among the most important gods of Egypt, particularly because the Pharaoh was supposed to be his earthly embodiment.

Isis (Aset, Eset) She was depicted in human form, crowned either by a throne or by cow horns enclosing a sun disk. A vulture was also sometimes incorporated in her crown. She is sometimes depicted as a kite above the mummified body of Osiris. It was Isis who retrieved and reassembled the body of Osiris after his murder and dismemberment by Seth. In this connection she took on the role of a goddess of the dead and of funeral rites.

Imsety (Amset, Mestha, Golden Dawn, Ameshet) One of the four sons of Horus, he was portrayed as a human having the head of a human. His role was to protect the liver of the deceased and was the guardian of the South. He was protected by the goddess Isis.

Khepri 'He Who is Coming into Being' Man with the head of a scarab A scarab beetle Khepri was a god of creation, the movement of the sun, and rebirth. He is a creator god that appeared from nowhere.

Khnemu (Khnum)

Khnum Man with the head of a curly-horned ram Khnum was a creator-god, molding people on a potter's wheel. Since potters used Nile mud, Khnum was also connected with the inundation, the yearly flooding of the Nile River.

Khonsu (Khensu, Khons)

Ma’at (Maat) Woman with a feather on her head or a feather. She is the goddess of truth, justice and harmony. She was associated with the balance of things on earth. She is a goddess of the underworld, sitting in judgment over the souls of the dead in the Judgment Hall of Osiris. She is weighed against the heart of the pharaoh to see if his life was true and deserves to reach Akh, eternal life.

Meretseger (Mertseger)

Meshkhent (Meshknenet, Meshkhenit)

Mihos (Maahes, Mahes, Mios, Miysis)

Min (Minu) Min was preeminently a god of male sexuality. He was honored in the coronation rites of the pharaohs to ensure their sexual vigor and the production of a male heir. Min was also worshipped as a god of desert roads and of travelers.

Montu (Mont, Month, Monthu, Mentu, Menthu)

Mut (Golden Dawn Auramooth) The wife of Amen in Theban tradition; the word mut in Egyptian means "mother"

Neith Neith was depicted as a woman wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt, holding a bow and crossed arrows. She was sometimes represented as the great cow, mother of Ra. Neith was a goddess of the hunt. She may have also been a war goddess. Her worship dates from pre dynastic history. In early times she was called 'mother of the gods' and 'Great Goddess'. She was considered the guardian of men and gods. Later, Neith was seen as a protector of the dead. As 'Opener of the Ways', she was a guide in the underworld, a female Anubis. In the Eighteenth Dynasty she took on the attributes of Hathor.

Nefertem Nefertem was usually portrayed as a man wearing the lotus and two feathers on his head, Occasionally, Nefertem was also shown as a lion-headed man. He was an ancient sun-god of Lower Egypt. He was important to various creation myths. Nefertem was associated with the young boy (Atum) who emerged from the lotus of Nun at the beginning of time. It was this boy that shed the tears from which all of mankind emerged.

Nekhebet (Nekhbet)

Nephthys (Nebthet) 'Lady of the Mansion' Woman with headdress showing her name in hieroglyphs. Nephthys was a protective goddess of the dead. Nephthys was the sister of Isis and Osiris, and the sister/wife of Seth. Nephthys was also the mother of Anubis. The wife of Amen in Theban tradition; the word mut in Egyptian means "mother"

Nun carrying a boat according to an ancient Egyptian creation myth, Nun was the waters of chaos. Nun was the only thing that existed on Earth before there was land. Then, the first land (in the form of a mound) rose out of Nun.

Nut (Neuth, Nuit) Woman whose body arches across the sky, here nude body is covered with stars. Nut was the barrier separating the forces of chaos from the ordered cosmos in this world. Her fingers and toes were believed to touch the four cardinal points or directions.

Onuris (Anhur, Onouris)

Osiris (Usire) A mummified man wearing a 'atef’, a white cone-like headdress with feathers, he was often depicted with green skin. Egyptian god of the underworld and of vegetation. Son of Nut and Geb. Osiris was the brother/husband of Isis, and the brother of Nepthys and Seth. He was also the father of Horus. As well as being a god of the dead, Osiris was a god of resurrection and fertility. In fact, the ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris gave them the gift of barley, one of their most important crops. One of the so-called "dying gods", he was the focus of a famous legend in which he was killed by the rival god Seth. At a banquet of the gods, Seth fooled Osiris into stepping into a coffin, which he promptly slammed shut and cast into the Nile. The coffin was born by the Nile to the delta town of Byblos, where it became enclosed in a tamarisk tree. Isis, the wife of Osiris, discovered the coffin and brought it back. Seth took advantage of Isis's temporary absence on one occasion, cut the body to pieces, and cast them into the Nile. Isis searched for the body parts and found all by his reproductive organ.

Ptah (Ptah-Seker) A man wrapped in a tight white cloak carrying a staff. Ptah was the god of craftsmen. Ptah represents the sun at the time when it begins to rise above the horizon and or right after it has risen. It was Ptah who built the boats for the souls of the dead to use in the afterlife.

Qebehsenuef (Kabexnuf, Qebsneuef) One of the Four Sons of Horus, Qebehsenuef was represented as having the head of a hawk. He was the protector of the intestines of the deceased and was the guardian of the West. He was protected by the goddess Selket..

Qetesh Qetesh was depicted as a beautiful nude woman, standing or riding upon a lion, holding flowers, a mirror, or serpents. She is generally shown full-face (unusual in Egyptian artistic convention). Qetesh was a goddess of love and beauty. She was considered to be one of the forms of Hathor.

Ra-Horakhty 'Horus in the Horizon' Man with the head of a hawk, with a sun disk headdress Ra-Horakhty was a combination of the gods Horus and Ra. Horus was a god of the sky, and Ra was the god of the sun. Thus, Ra-Horakhty was thought of as the god of the rising sun.

Re (Ra) 'Sun' Man with hawk head and headdress with a sun disk Ra was the sun god. The sun itself was taken to be either his body or his eye. He was the most important god of the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians believed that Ra was swallowed every night by the sky goddess Nut, and was reborn every morning. The ancient Egyptians also believed that he traveled through the underworld at night. In the underworld, Ra appeared as a man with the head of a ram.

Satet (Sati, Satis)

Selket (Serqet, Serket) A scorpion-goddess, shown as a beautiful woman with a scorpion poised on her head; her creature struck death to the wicked, but she was also petitioned to save the lives of innocent people stung by scorpions; she was also viewed as a helper of women in childbirth.

Sekhmet 'The Powerful One' Woman with the head of a lioness Sekhmet was the goddess of war. Also a protector of the pharaoh .

Selket (Selqet, Serket, Serqet)

Serapis (Sarapis)

Seshat (Sesha) Woman wearing a panther skin dress and a star headdress Seshat was the goddess of writing and measurement.

Set (Seth, Setekh, Setesh, Seti, Surekh, Setech Sutech) ) Man with the head of a 'Seth animal' (unidentifiable) Seth is the god of chaos. Seth represented everything that threatened harmony in Egypt. He was associated with foreign lands. He murdered his brother Osiris, and then battled with his nephew Horus to be the ruler of the living. the story of Seth's murder of Osiris and subsequent war with Horus gained currency and Horus was restored to his original status. The war with Horus lasted eighty years, during which Seth tore out the left eye his adversary. Seth then went to live with the sun god Re, where he became the voice of the thunder and held responsible for storms and cloudy weather.

Shu (Su) 'He Who Rises Up' Depicted in human form wearing an ostrich feather (the hieroglyph for his name) or sometimes a lion, with his arms raised to support the goddess Nut above the form of Geb or earth 

Sobek Man with the head of a crocodile and a headdress of feathers and a sun-disk He was a nile god and symbolized the might of the Egyptian pharaohs.

Sopdet (Sothis, Sopdu, Sept)

Taweret (Tawaret, Taueret, Taurt, Apet, Opet, Thoeris, Toeris) 'The Great One'Head of a hippopotamus with the arms and legs of a lion, the back and tail of a crocodile, and the breasts and stomach of a pregnant woman. Tawaret was a goddess who protected women during pregnancy and childbirth. Her appearance was meant to frighten off any spirits that might be harmful to the child.

Tauret (Taweret, Taurt, Taueret, Thoeris)

Tefnut Woman with the head of a lioness Tefnut was the goddess of moisture.

Thoth (Thot, Thout, Djhowtey, Djehuti, Tehuti, Zehuti) A man with the head of an ibis holding a writing palette An ibis A baboon Thoth was the god of writing and knowledge. The ancient Egyptians believed that Thoth gave them the gift of hieroglyphic writing. Thoth was also connected with the moon.

Wepwawet (Upuaut, Ap-Uat) "Opener of the Ways". Egyptian jackal god. god of war and of the funerary cult, and could be said to "open the way" both for the armies of the pharaoh and for the spirits of the dead

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2005-07-21 [GriffinDWolf]: well you need to learn to let others make there own mistakes and try not to be so protective but it is almost imposible its taken me almost 6 years to not be very protective of one of my friends and that is just one. You will just have to live with it i think Adapt and change with it try not to fight it all the time

2005-07-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe i've done one better and just reliezeds it last night

2005-07-21 [GriffinDWolf]: really

2005-07-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah instead of worry about everyone else im just gonna let there problem go if they come to me with them im just going to let it go

2005-07-22 [GriffinDWolf]: don't go too far out of it cause that isn't good either

2005-07-22 [Shooting Star Shadow]: why though im tired of there problem

2005-07-22 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well ya gotta learn to deal with it

2005-07-22 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe i know

2005-07-22 [GriffinDWolf]: do you?

2005-07-22 [Shooting Star Shadow]: do you honestly think i know what im talking about

2005-07-22 [GriffinDWolf]: not always

2005-07-22 [Shooting Star Shadow]: when do i know what im talking about

2005-07-22 [GriffinDWolf]: when you do hun

2005-07-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: which is never so yay

2005-07-23 [GriffinDWolf]: your a freakin dork

2005-07-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -pouts- your mean -runs behind a tree-

2005-07-23 [GriffinDWolf]: ah gosh not the trees again

2005-07-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe -runs into a tree-

2005-07-23 [GriffinDWolf]: like i said before what did those trees ever do to you

2005-07-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: nothing just that its fun

2005-07-23 [GriffinDWolf]: hun you are really going to get hurt one of these times

2005-07-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe no i wont i've been doing this since i was little i've got a hard head

2005-07-24 [GriffinDWolf]: and it is just getting harder lol

2005-07-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe yes it is but hey i made fly disappear today im so freaking happy i've never been good at making things disappear but i did it today it was sweet -jumps up and down-

2005-07-24 [GriffinDWolf]: lol well good for you hun

2005-07-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i am a loser but a dorky one at that

2005-07-24 [GriffinDWolf]: na your not a loser

2005-07-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: but but but but but but i no dork neither

2005-07-25 [GriffinDWolf]: well then if your not a dork i'll just go no reason for me to be here

2005-07-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -burst into tears- no

2005-07-26 [GriffinDWolf]: ah don't cry you know i can't do that to you

2005-07-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -looks up with the tears rolling down my face- i know babes

2005-07-26 [GriffinDWolf]: oh hun you know i cant stand you crying especially when it seems like my fault *wipes tears away from you face*

2005-07-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -cuddles next to you- its not your fault its mine im getting my hopes up be4 they even exsist

2005-07-26 [GriffinDWolf]: really how so

2005-07-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: becuz i got slapped with reality.....what are the chances of us ever meeting hun

2005-07-26 [GriffinDWolf]: don't know

2005-07-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: see i hate when reality decids to back hand me

2005-07-26 [GriffinDWolf]: one reason only half my life is in reality

2005-07-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe i don't want any of mine in it

2005-07-26 [GriffinDWolf]: well it doen't work like that

2005-07-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know it don't thats what i hate the most

2005-07-27 [GriffinDWolf]: well hun you need to learn not to hate but to see brighter things in life not all the bad things

2005-07-27 [Shooting Star Shadow]: but thats all i have here is bad things

2005-07-27 [GriffinDWolf]: ther are all ways good things hun you just maight have to look for them

2005-07-27 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i cant think of any around here

2005-07-27 [GriffinDWolf]: well hun it is cause you haven't trained yourself to see it

2005-07-27 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know hun i haven't been training in a long time other than the storms

2005-07-27 [GriffinDWolf]: well hun you should starts to work on something else then

2005-07-27 [Shooting Star Shadow]: but im getting good except for when i get pissed but other than that im good

2005-07-31 [GriffinDWolf]: well hun sounds like you need to reign in that temper ;P

2005-07-31 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe like thats going to happen anytime soon

2005-07-31 [GriffinDWolf]: lol well you really should try hun

2005-08-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im trying to i have it normally under control until i get around my family then it goes poof

2005-08-01 [GriffinDWolf]: well then you'll need to work on that before everything gets worse than it is

2005-08-06 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i had fun this week with out any pressure other then the little brats

2005-08-07 [GriffinDWolf]: thats good

2005-08-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah i only blew up at a sophomore but then again she deserved it

2005-08-08 [GriffinDWolf]: so what she do that was so terrible to set ya off

2005-08-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: just that she was whining and the fact that she was talking at attention and she just set me off

2005-08-08 [GriffinDWolf]: you shouldn't let things like that bug ya hun

2005-08-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: its just i think the heat got to me and she always whines i mean root will talk to someone in the percussion section about where they messed up and she gets upset becuz she thinks that he is talking to her its annoying and everyone hates her just that i was the one that blew up on her

2005-08-09 [GriffinDWolf]: well like i said ya need to control your anger better

2005-08-10 [Shooting Star Shadow]: but but but its just not my fault well it is but i did something everyone else didn't have the guts to do and thats tell her the truth

2005-08-10 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well the trueth isn't always the best thing to say as i've learned countless times and yet i still seem to do it, for me it tends to bring more pain then good

2005-08-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: ah but the thing is i didn't get to completely finsih what i was saying though which sucked

2005-08-11 [GriffinDWolf]: why not you get told off or what

2005-08-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: nah she took off be4 i could finish

2005-08-11 [GriffinDWolf]: psh next time then *evil grin*

2005-08-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: nope not messing with her anymore its not worth it

2005-08-14 [GriffinDWolf]: really are you sure you are the josh i know

2005-08-14 [Shooting Star Shadow]: like i told ya that josh is kind of kaput for awhile til everything gets back to normal

2005-08-14 [GriffinDWolf]: there is no such thing as normal

2005-08-14 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know but im talking josh's version of normal

2005-08-14 [GriffinDWolf]: lol yeah well there is still no such thing as normal, nomal is a false sence of security so is security for that matter

2005-08-15 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe i have a false sense of nothing yay

2005-08-15 [GriffinDWolf]: lol your a dork and i love it

2005-08-15 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im a dork everyone hear that im a dork

2005-08-15 [GriffinDWolf]: yes my god here you and i here you too but we don't care we still luvs ya for it

2005-08-15 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yay i no loved yay

2005-08-15 [GriffinDWolf]: no yous luved

2005-08-15 [Shooting Star Shadow]: no i not

2005-08-26 [GriffinDWolf]: grrr i give up (not really but yeah)

2005-08-27 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe i can't help it hun its just i forgot the whole making out in the halls thing that happen here and when school started it all hit me like a brick wall and got me beyond depressed

2005-08-28 [GriffinDWolf]: oh hun i'm sorry try your best to ignore all that, i know it can be freaken hard when it seems to be around every corner ya take but just ignore it

2005-08-28 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im trying to hun but it's worse this year becuz just about everyone but me is doing it hell i've walked around a corner and saw 2 of my best m8's doing it

2005-08-29 [GriffinDWolf]: *shivers* creepyness i'm sorry hun but the best thing i can tells ya is to ignore it

2005-08-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah no shit it was creepy and honestly bout mad me sick oh wait it did but still it sucks i can't ignore it becuz it gets to me and the fact that me being single and psycho is not a good mixture during this time god sometimes i wonder if i don't pms like every day of my life or something

2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: it only gets to ya cause you let it get to ya hun, its life hun get used to it

2005-08-31 [Shooting Star Shadow]: but i hate life it's to evil for anything and im getting used to it just i hate being like this sometimes

2005-08-31 [GriffinDWolf]: but it is still life

2005-09-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know it is but still i can hate it at times right?

2005-09-02 [GriffinDWolf]: i guess if ya have to but it is still not good

2005-09-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know it's not good but sometimes ya have to hate something to eventually better understand it

2005-09-02 [GriffinDWolf]: or to eventually like it

2005-09-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: that too

2005-09-04 [GriffinDWolf]: yeppers

2005-09-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah

2005-09-07 [GriffinDWolf]: ;P

2005-09-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: :P Q_Q

2005-09-07 [GriffinDWolf]: *sigh*

2005-09-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hey now whats wrong

2005-09-07 [GriffinDWolf]: one word Katrina

2005-09-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im tired of hearing about it i mean they were told to get out of there 

2005-09-07 [GriffinDWolf]: no that isn't the only problems but yeah I didn't even know about the storm till the day it hit and nothing of the aftermath untill two days later

2005-09-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hun ya didn't get the power readings off that storm it's what through my radar and stuff off who ever made that storm decided to send a gift to everyone else that picked it up

2005-09-08 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well it shouldn't have happened like that

2005-09-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know it shouldn't of but it did and it's thrown me off big time i can't even cast sleep spells without nailing everyone and i mean everyone in the area

2005-09-09 [GriffinDWolf]: that is not good hun i'd say back off the magiks for a while till things settle a bit

2005-09-09 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i just did it that once and when it messed up like that i said screw it and quit using it for awhile

2005-09-09 [GriffinDWolf]: well i'd still hangout there for a while and not use anything till some of this blows over

2005-09-09 [Shooting Star Shadow]: it might not blow over though i think it's getting worse

2005-09-09 [GriffinDWolf]: it maybe but i'd still wait at least one more week

2005-09-10 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im going to wait a little while and seew what happens

2005-09-11 [GriffinDWolf]: sounds good to me

2005-09-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i've been doing simple crap on flies and what not and all i'm getting is headaches anymore

2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: then take a break from it ya dork

2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: kk nap time then

2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: no no sleep

2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: but i wanna sweep i no sweep last night and almost missed practice today becuz of it

2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: well then hun go ahead you need sleep

2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: but i wont and can't sleep becuz of the head ache on which i have obtained

2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: then get rid of it

2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i cant i do bad thing my friend messed his shoulder up and i thought i would help him sleep

2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: well hun sounds like you need to help yourself sleep

2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah right i can't use it on myself id never wake up from it EVER

2005-09-14 [GriffinDWolf]: your not suposed to use strong spells on yourself hun

2005-09-14 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know that but thats the only way i'd be able to sleep

2005-09-14 [GriffinDWolf]: hmmm maybe i can work up some type of spell for you though i haven't done any magiks since the storm

2005-09-15 [Shooting Star Shadow]: nah hun don't over work yourself

2005-09-16 [GriffinDWolf]: over work HA sure that is every days so why would this be any different

2005-09-16 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe good point i hate being old sometimes

2005-09-16 [GriffinDWolf]: old ha yeah right even as a species humans are freakin young and have short lives

2005-09-17 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe compaired to alot of other things thats true

2005-09-19 [GriffinDWolf]: of course i'm right on that ;P

2005-09-20 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe don't get to stubborn

2005-09-20 [GriffinDWolf]: why not i am a jackass at times

2005-09-20 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe im a jackass all the time and just don't fit your suit to much hun

2005-09-20 [GriffinDWolf]: lol really?

2005-09-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah

2005-09-21 [GriffinDWolf]: ;P

2005-09-30 [cookie_monster]: ooooki ^^' Er, to whoever made this page, thankee! I recognize some of these gods from Stargate.... hehe :) *runs away before anyone can begin mauling her*

2005-09-30 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -shrugs-

2005-10-01 [GriffinDWolf]: lol thank ye hun

2005-10-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehehe

2005-10-01 [GriffinDWolf]: sure just laugh *tears*

2005-10-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs tight- now none of that

2005-10-02 [GriffinDWolf]: *looks at you* why not

2005-10-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: becuz i've cried enough at the dance to hold us both up for awhile

2005-10-02 [GriffinDWolf]: doubtful...but y so hun

2005-10-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: just becuz of the fact that i've got to thinking about a few people that i wish was there

2005-10-02 [GriffinDWolf]: now why'd ya go and do that

2005-10-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: becuz im stupid and need the bloody shit kicked out of me

2005-10-02 [GriffinDWolf]: no one need that hun

2005-10-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: then why do i feel like i need it then

2005-10-02 [GriffinDWolf]: maybe because you think that is would help to be surrounded only in a world of pain

2005-10-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: thats what i grew up in hell hun you know my past all i ever knew was pain

2005-10-03 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well maybe you need to quite looking at thingks in the negative hun

2005-10-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im trying to hun honestly i am but thats all i know how to see if negativity

2005-10-04 [GriffinDWolf]: that is only cause you don't really try to see it other ways you wallow in your own self pitty and others

2005-10-04 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im stupid help me hun

2005-10-05 [GriffinDWolf]: its not something i can help you with you just have to change yourself

2005-10-06 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i know that wish it was but it's not

2005-10-06 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah so true

2005-10-06 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah

2005-10-08 [GriffinDWolf]: ;P

2005-10-09 [Shooting Star Shadow]: :p

2005-10-09 [GriffinDWolf]: lol

2005-10-09 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah

2005-10-10 [GriffinDWolf]: so waz up

2005-10-10 [Shooting Star Shadow]: the light,the ceiling, the sky, not the temperature, the moon, the stars

2005-10-10 [GriffinDWolf]: the night sky *sigh*

2005-10-10 [Shooting Star Shadow]: it's beautiful

2005-10-10 [GriffinDWolf]: i want to be out in it but can't not tonight

2005-10-10 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe so do i hun so do i

2005-10-11 [GriffinDWolf]: *sigh* the pull of the night is just so strong and i feel held by chains

2005-10-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: your not help by chains just think in a few weeks All Hallows Eve will be upon us

2005-10-11 [GriffinDWolf]: ahh a night that i will not entirely enjoy i don't like drunks

2005-10-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: they ruined the night

2005-10-12 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well i'm in college so that is all there will be is drunks

2005-10-12 [Shooting Star Shadow]: as long as ur not included in that

2005-10-12 [GriffinDWolf]: maybe i should be

2005-10-12 [Shooting Star Shadow]: then maybe i'll never talk to hun if your going to ruin the holiday like that and make a stupid mistake that i've made

2005-10-12 [GriffinDWolf]: well then maybe i should

2005-10-12 [Shooting Star Shadow]: its ur choice hun

2005-10-13 [GriffinDWolf]: na don't think so

2005-10-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: happy happy happy

2005-10-14 [GriffinDWolf]: happy happy joy joy

2006-01-04 [.x.ride the wings.x.]: Bast was also the goddess of all cats, and fertility, and Sehkmet was known as the judge, or a goddess of justice, and was a source of right and wrong in the afterlife. they were also two of the reasons Egyptians respected cats so much. just thought you might like to know... these are some facts i've stumbled upon in my school research

2006-01-04 [GriffinDWolf]: oh yes i can add that stuff later i knew most of it plus i have alot more i can add about all of the gods and more gods too the list i just need to find the time but thanx i always love help finding facts

2006-04-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i think the gods took a nose dive into a sand dune

2006-04-11 [LadyWillow]: What's that supposed to mean? *Curious*

2006-04-16 [Shooting Star Shadow]: just that this wiki did a nose dive

2006-04-17 [LadyWillow]: How so? Just because noone says anything doesn't mean it's not being utilized! I come here all the time!!! I've ever been facinated by the gods of egypt! And this page has been of great help to me with a certain char that I have in a certain RP elsewhere on the net!

2006-05-13 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah agreed i use the ifo on wiki's that people don't talk in lots....maybe sometime i should update more of this one hmmmm.....

2006-05-15 [LadyWillow]: Yeah!! Just cause it's quiet, doesn't mean it's dead!!

2006-05-15 [GriffinDWolf]: exactically

2006-05-15 [LadyWillow]: *Nods sagely*

2006-06-08 [GriffinDWolf]: ;)

2006-06-09 [LadyWillow]: =^.^=

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